Teaching & Opportunities

Winter Term 2024/2025
- Digitale Signalübertragung
Module: Signaltheorie (ET-12 09 02)
Lecturer: Meik Dörpinghaus - Digitale Signalverarbeitungssysteme I
Module: Digitale Signalverarbeitungssysteme (ET-12 10 18)
Lecturer: Emil Matúš - Digitale Signalverarbeitungssysteme II
Module: Digitale Signalverarbeitungssysteme (ET-12 10 18)
Lecturer: Emil Matúš - Fundamentals of Estimation and Detection
Vertiefung Mobile Nachrichtensysteme (ET-12 10 17)
Fundamentals of Estimation and Detection (NES-12 10 01)
Lecturer: Wolfgang Rave - Algorithmen für Mehrantennensysteme
Module: Vertiefung Mobile Nachrichtensysteme (ET-12 10 17)
Lecturer: Wolfgang Rave - Oberseminar Mobile Nachrichtentechnik
Module: Oberseminar Informationstechnik (ET-12 10 23)
Lecturer: Meik Dörpinghaus - Maschinelles Lernen in der Signalverarbeitung
Module: Vertiefung Mobile Nachrichtensysteme (ET-12 10 17)
Lecturer: Meik Dörpinghaus
Summer Term 2024
- Anwendung der Estimation und Detektion
Module: Grundlagen Mobile Nachrichtensysteme (ET-12 10 15)
Lecturer: Wolfgang Rave - Communications
Module: Communications (NES-12 10 02)
Lecturer: Prof. Gerhard Fettweis - Hardware/Software-Codesign
Module: Hardware/Software Codesign (NES-12 10 03)
Lecturer: Prof. Gerhard Fettweis - Mobile Nachrichtensysteme I
Module: Grundlagen Mobile Nachrichtensysteme (ET-12 10 15)
Lecturer: Heinrich Nuszkowski - Mobile Nachrichtensysteme II
Module: Grundlagen Mobile Nachrichtensysteme (ET-12 10 15)
Lecturer: Wolfgang Rave - Nachrichtentechnik
Module: Nachrichtentechnik (ET-12 10 24)
Lecturer: Prof. Gerhard Fettweis - Hauptseminar Kommunikationssysteme
Module: (ET-10 10 02) - Praktikum Hardware/Software-Codesign
Module: Hardware/Software Codesign Lab (NES-12 10)
Master / Diploma Thesis / Student research projects / project works
We currently offer the following thesis topics:
- Timing Jitter in Spike-Based CommunicationsPDF - Contact: Pialy Biswas
- Automatic interface matching for multi-source programming of embedded controllersPDF - Contact: Emil Matúš
- Compatibility analysis methodology for multi-source programming of embedded controllersPDF - Contact: Emil Matúš
- Latency Reduction of Thread Changes of Layer-Fusion of a Neural Network Accelerator [Studienarbeit/Project Work]PDF - Contact: Simon Friedrich
Feel free to approach our team for further topics.
Student Assistant Positions (SHK)
We currently offer the following SHK positions:
- Implementation of a Ray Tracing Framework for a Radio Environment Digital TwinPDF - Contact: Anton Schösser
Research Positions
We currently offer the following research positions:
- Internship at National Instruments DresdenPDF - Contact: Gerhard Fettweis
- Student Job: Intern (m/f/d) Communications Engineering (Rohde & Schwarz)
- Research Associate (f/m/x)
PhD / Post-Doc Opportunities
Our chair is constantly seeking highly qualified Post-Docs, Research Associates (WHK, Ph.D. students) and Research Assistants (SHK, graduate students). Please get in touch if you are interested.
If you are looking for a position as a Post-Doc or Ph.D. student, are highly qualified and consider yourself to belong to the top 5% of your year, please submit your application which clearly describes your expertise/objective including your curriculum vitae to:
Prof. Gerhard Fettweis
Technische Universität Dresden
Vodafone Chair Communications Systems
01062 Dresden
jobs (at) ifn.et.tu-dresden (dot) de
Please make sure to include copies of your diploma certificate and examination results. Graduate students seeking an appointment as Research Assistants are encouraged to contact our team.