Industry Partner Programme

Currently partnering companies and organizations:

The Industry Partner Program (IPP) facilitates a platform for companies to sustain close contact to on-going research activities at our chair. The sponsoring program provides an opportunity for companies:
- to support our research activities,
- to enhance teaching, e.g. by giving guest lectures,
- to present themselves to students, e.g. by holding workshops and seminars on our premises,
- to get in closer touch with our researchers, and
- to obtain first hand updates on our activities.
In return, IPP members will receive:
- an invitation to our annual IPP event, the IEEE 6G Summit Dresden (see below), and
- our newsletter “Dresden Mobile” three times a year with information on
- recent research activities,
- new research projects,
- researchers and students,
- current student projects and master-/diploma theses,
- abstracts of completed PhD theses,
- new co-operations with industry partners.
For further information please contact Carolin Bauder.
IPP Event
Since 2016, 5G Lab Germany at TU Dresden and IEEE are jointly organizing the IEEE 6G Summit 2023 (until 2021 IEEE 5G++ Summit Dresden). As 5G has become a well established industry standard, we focus our attention on turbo-charging 5G to propell mobile communications to new heights: the next, sixth generation of mobile communications (6G). The Summit features keynotes from high-ranking business representatives as well as leading researchers from academia and industry. As a major part of the first-class program, we organize an exhibition on 5G and Beyond technology, which offers companies and research institutes to present recent results from research and development.
All details are available online: and